Farmer:To:Farmer Cacao Derivative Market Specialist

Publicado el 26 de febrero, 2025



Jornada Completa



Descripción del Puesto

We are looking to hire a driven Farmer:to:Farmer Cacao Derivative Market Specialist to join our passionate team at NCBA CLUSA in Huanuco, Huánuco.Growing your career as a Full Time Farmer:to:Farmer Cacao Derivative Market Specialist is an amazing opportunity to develop excellent Cacao Derivative Market Specialist at NCBA CLUSA todayThe National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA)is the trade association for cooperative businesses in the United States and an international development organization. NCBA CLUSA provides cross:sector education, technical assistance, and advocacy that helps co:ops thrive. For nearly 100 years, NCBA CLUSA has sought to advance and protect cooperative enterprises, highlighting the impact that cooperatives have in bettering the lives of individuals and families. In the last 60 years, NCBA CLUSA has worked in over 100 countries in the areas of food security, agricultural development, strengthening of communities and farmer organizations, community:based health, natural resources management, and empowerment of smallholder farmers, women, and youth. We currently work in 21 countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.NCBA CLUSAs USAID:funded Farmer:to:Farmer program sends American farmers and agribusiness professionals on 2:4 week agricultural development assignments, promoting sustainable growth and agricultural development worldwide. Volunteer technical assistance from U.S. farmers, agribusinesses, cooperatives and universities helps smallholder farmers in developing countries improve productivity, access new markets and conserve environmental and natural resources. During COVID:19 we have shifted to a hybrid volunteer model that affords US volunteers and in:country volunteers the opportunity to continue to provide technical assistance.Compensation in the form of lodging, transportation, per diem, is provided by NCBA CLUSA. No salaryconsultant fees are paid. NCBA CLUSA Farmer:to:Farmer.**Job Description**:NCBA CLUSA is currently seeking volunteers1:us volunteerqualified farmer:to:Cooperativa agroindustrial cacao alto huallaga (caicah) was established to assist members with cacao export and to market cacao and its by:products internationally under the utz, organic and fairtrade certification. Alto huallaga works to empower members to become entrepreneurs by increasing knowledge on business development, including forecasting, diversifying, and balancing investments and returns. Alto huallaga seeks a volunteer to strengthen the technical field teams capacity for training members in financial planning, entrepreneurship, and empowerment.Duration:2 weeksEssential areas of responsibility:Assist coop to position their brand on cacao powder and cacao butter marketDevelop coop staff expertise to sell cacao powder and cacao butter (fat).Expand the coop and its allied local entrepreneurs to improve knowledge on cacao products market (opportunities), trends, niches, sales and marketing tools and competencies**Qualifications**::Business degree with a background in food and beverage (f and b) wholesale, retail sales and marketing in global marketsPreferable knowledge in international commercialization of organic and certified cacao and cacao products, client networking, customer relation, contract negotiationStrong presentation and communication skills with group facilitation and adult training experience.Spanish language skills are preferable, but not necessaryAvailable for virtual communications with host organization, staff and co:volunteer

Requisitos del Puesto

Educación Requerida: Secundario
Edad: 18 años mínimo
Experiencia Requerida: 1 año en puestos similares
Disponibilidad para viajar: No
Disponibilidad para mudarse: No

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