Head Of Political Section : Maternity Leave Cover

Publicado el 26 de febrero, 2025



Jornada Completa



Descripción del Puesto

Head of Political Section:Maternity Leave Cover (J:821) Head of Political Section:Maternity Leave Cover (J:821)domainBritish Government location_onLimaView Vacancy:Head of Political Section:Maternity Leave CoverThe British Government is an inclusive and diversity:friendly flexible working opportunities, where operational and security needs allow.Job Category Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Policy and Political roles)Job Subcategory PoliticalJob Description (Roles and Responsibilities)Main purpose of job:The Political Section at the British Embassy in Lima liaises with senior political stakeholders in the Peruvian government to advance the bilateral relationship and collaboration in key policy areas. It further engages with a range of stakeholders in the public and private sectors, civil society and media to produce political analysis aimed at informing wider decision:making, particularly on Peruvian domestic politics, UK foreign policy priorities, human rights and multilateral policy. The political team coordinates the elaboration and implementation of the Embassy Human Rights strategy, which may include the management of projects funded through official development aid. The section also runs the Chevening Scholarship Programme for Peru.The Head of the Political Section will provide strategic direction and leadership towards the fulfilment of the sections objectives. The jobholder will be a core member of the Embassy leadership team, participating in management and other committees contributing to the corporate objectives of the Embassy.Roles and responsibilities  what willthe jobholder be expected to achieve?:Domestic political analysis (25)The jobholder will be expected to produce thorough and insightful political reporting to ensure colleagues at post and in London understand the Peruvian political dynamics that affect their work.Political engagement and networks (35)The jobholder will elaborate and coordinate the execution of a political engagement strategy to position UK strengths and interests with political stakeholders (including but not limited to the Presidents and Prime Ministers Offices and Congress) and other stakeholders in publicprivate sectors civil society and media.Valueshuman rights (25)The jobholder will give strategic guidance and oversee the elaboration and execution of the Embassys human rights strategy, and lead work on at least one priority area.Teamcorporate (15)The jobholder will provide strategic guidance and support to the members of the political team in the delivery of relevant Country Business Plan objectives, making sure they are given opportunities for professional development and growth. They will also be expected to participate actively in the Embassy Leadership Team and other committees contributing to wider corporate objectives.Resources managed (staff and expenditure):The jobholder will lead a team of 5 members. They will directly line manage the Political and Human Rights Officer and counter:sign for the sections intern. They will also provide guidance to the Political and Chevening Officer and the 2nd Secretary (Political External).Management of Project Funds depends on central funding availability.Essential qualifications, skills and experience Essential on arrival:A University Degree, preferably in political science andor international relations, but other academic disciplines will be considered as long as an active interest in politics can be demonstrated OR the equivalent in relevant work experience:Minimum 3 years professional experie

Requisitos del Puesto

Educación Requerida: Secundario
Edad: 18 años mínimo
Experiencia Requerida: 1 año en puestos similares
Disponibilidad para viajar: No
Disponibilidad para mudarse: No

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